A great customer experience can make or break acquiring a new member. Learn how to nurture every aspect of your customer experience from the time you acquire a new lead to the time you pitch them a membership. You’ll learn how to:
- Ask powerful qualifying questions
Conduct an effective needs analysis using the S.U.P.S. method - Ask for the sale
- Overcome any objections
Course business expert: Kory Angelin, Award-winning fitness business executive/coach and two-time published author.
Kory Angelin is a leader in fitness influencing and has helped the biggest fitness and wellness enterprises all over the globe build reliable brands and craft unique customer experiences. Angelin is the Chief Operating Officer for Zor411 overseeing the sales and revenue for The DripBar, one of the fastest growing I.V. Vitamin Therapy franchises in the country. He is also the creator of the Powr Sales App which gives fitness entrepreneurs the skills to sell and retain more members.